
Showing posts from November 10, 2017

Challenge yourself

The Japanese have always loved fresh fish. But the waters close to Japan have not held many fish for decades. So the fishermen had to go further out to sea to catch their supply of fish, the fishing boats got bigger and bigger. The farther the fishermen went, the longer it took to bring in the fish. If the return trip took more than a few days, the fish were not fresh and they lost their fresh taste. To solve this problem, fishing companies installed freezers on their boats. They would catch the fish and freeze them at sea. Freezers allowed the boats to go farther and stay longer. However, the Japanese could taste the difference between fresh and frozen and they did not like frozen fish. Also, the frozen fish brought a lower price. So fishing companies installed fish tanks. They would catch the fish and stuff them in the tanks, fin to fin. After a little thrashing around, the fish stopped moving. They were tired and dull, but alive. Unfortunately, the Japanese could still taste the dif...


If life is a race, fools are winning. The wise and intelligent people don’t participate in the rat race of life since they know that even if you win the race, you are still a rat. They rather spend their time in this world to live their life purposefully doing the things which they love to do and transforming the world to become a better place for themselves and for others. Fools, however, keep running the race of life till they die. Let me narrate you a story "How Much Land Does a Man Require?” authored by by Leo Tolstoy to explain this foolishness of man. There was a peasant named Pahom. A landlady in the village decides to sell her estate, and the peasants of the village buy as much of that land as they can. Pahom himself purchases some land, and by working on the extra land is able to repay his debts and live a more comfortable life. He is soon introduced to the Bashkirs, and is told that they are simple-minded people who own a huge amount of land. Pahom goes to them to buy as...

How to Improve Computer Speed Performance?

When your once new computer starts to become the " new clunker " in your life, it's time to revise what junk and viral matter are slowing down the cogs in your machine. Over time, computers do slow down if care is not taken to address the problems that mount up. Each is easily taken care of, provided you know how and why. What is Slowing Down Your Computer? 1 Be aware that the majority of the machine issues are the aftereffect of infections, spywares and the registry over-burden. If care is taken to do regular upkeep checks, this can be balanced out and problems dealt with and removed. Windows PCs tend to slow down as applications are introduced and utilized. Whether you are utilizing a processor, a spreadsheet, surfing the web, playing games or whatever else, hard drives loaded up with makeshift documents that don't generally get evacuated when no longer required will slow down considerably. Hard drives can succumb to wear and tear over time as well. 2 Keep the syste...

What is Retinal scanning?

The human retina is a thin tissue composed of neuralcells that is located in the posterior portion of the eye. Because of the complex structure of the capillaries that supply the retina with blood, each person’s retina is unique. The network of blood vessels in the retina is so complex that even identical twins do not share a similar pattern. Although retinal patterns may be altered in cases of diabetes, glaucoma or retinal degenerative disorders, the retina typically remains unchanged from birth until death. A biometric identifier known as a retinal scan is used to map the unique patterns of a person’s retina. The blood vessels within the retina absorb light more readily than the surrounding tissue and are easily identified with appropriate lighting. A retinal scan is performed by casting an unperceived beam of low-energy infrared light into a person’s eye as they look through the scanner’s eyepiece. This beam of light traces a standardized path on the retina. Because retinal blood v...

What are seeds, peers, trackers, pieces in uTorrent?

Torrents are peer-to-peer file transfer protocol. That means, there is no central source for the files, people download files which are being uploaded by others (in real time). Seeds : Number of peers who have already downloaded the files, and are currently uploading them. Peers (or Leechers) : A leecher is any peer that does not have the entire file and is downloading the file. Trackers: A tracker is a server that keeps track of which seeds and peers are in the swarm (swarm: all peers sharing a torrent - uploading or downloading). Pieces : This refers to the torrented files being divided up into equal specific sized pieces (e.g., 64kB, 128kB, 512kB, 1MB, 2MB or 4MB). The pieces are distributed in a random fashion among peers in order to optimize trading efficiency.

How do Antibiotics work?

Antibiotics work by affecting things that bacterial cells have but human cells don't. For example, human cells do not have cell walls, while many types of bacteria do. The antibiotic penicillin works by keeping a bacterium from building a cell wall. Antibiotics either stop bacteria from reproducing or destroy them. Before bacteria can multiply and cause symptoms, the body'simmune system can usually kill them. Our white blood cells attack harmful bacteria and, even if symptoms do occur, our immune system can usually cope and fight off the infection. Antibodies don't work on viruses , Viruses insert their genetic material into a human cell's DNA in order to reproduce. Antibiotics cannot kill viruses because bacteria and viruses have different mechanisms and machinery to survive and replicate. The antibiotic has no “target” to attack in a virus.

How many watts are equal to 1 unit in an electricity bill?

The electricity bills are nothing but energy consumption bills and not power consumption bills. Energy=Power * time When we say we have consumed 1 unit of electricity, that means we have consumed 1kWhr of electrical energy. 1 Unit= kilo watt hour. So, for example if you use 10 watt of lamp for 100 hours, the electricity consumed will be 1000 watt hour. That is 1kWhr, nothing but 1 Unit of Electrical Energy.


BOOK8 Class Notes8 MATERIAL8 UPSC8 ENGINEERING7 PRATIYOGITA DARPAN7 PREVIOUS7 Positive Thought7 करेंट अफेयर्स7 ALP6 BANK6 CURRENT AFFAIRS6 Essay6 general studies6 math6 GENERAL KNOWLEDGE5 GROUP D5 Writing5 rakesh yadav5 CHSL4 CLASSROOM NOTES4 DESCRIPTIVE4 IAS4 KD Campus4 Lucent4 ENGLISH3 HINDI3 Letter3 PDF3 TECHNICIAN3 TEST SERIES3 VISION IAS3 all book3 analysis3 bpsc3 geography3 history3 jpsc jssc3 tier 23 100 golden rules2 APTITUDE2 Antonyms2 CA2 DECEMBER 2017 ENGLISH EDITION2 ECONOMY2 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING2 EXAM2 GA2 MADE EASY2 MONTHLY2 NTPC2 SATISH CHANDRA2 TITAB ROY2 adda2472 assistant loco pilot2 bihar2 bssc2 cbt 12 class notes pdf2 computer2 january2 jharkhand2 kd campus English2 math notes2 mathematics2 mazagine2 new Delhi2 physics2 polity2 practice set2 quantitative2 rrb je2 sbi clerk2 scientific assistant2 ssc cgl2 ssc mts2 synonyms2 ARIHANT1 ART CULTURE1 Abhinay maths1 BIHAR GK1 BOOKS1 BSC1 DRISTI NOTES1 Disha1 ECOSYSTEM1 ELECTRICAL1 English Version1 Feb 20181 GKTODAY1 HINDI CA DAILY1 INSIGHTS IAS1 JAN- MAY1 KRISHNA NANDAN CHAUHAN1 MB1 MOTIVATIONAL1 NCERT1 PUBLICATION1 QUESTION BANK1 Quote1 RPF CONSTABLE1 RPF SI1 Reasoning1 SAMBIDHAN1 SOLVED PAPER1 SPEEDY1 SSC JE1 TRICK1 advance math1 all1 audio notes1 award1 bankers adda1 cbt 21 cbt21 clerk1 cloze test1 compitition power1 cpo1 csat1 december1 electronic engineering1 exam review1 first sift1 ghatna chakra1 ibps1 india today1 interview1 jan 20191 jan-june1 latest1 mahesh mishra1 mains1 mcq1 mock test1 model1 morning sift1 non-verbal1 one word Substitutions1 oscars1 oscars 20191 po1 pre1 question paper1 review1 rrb alp review1 rukmini prakashan1 saar sangrah1 science1 speed1 ssc gd1 state level1 study iq1 the platform1 trade1 upkar1 verbal1 yadav1 प्रतियोगिता दर्पण1
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